October 1st: Baby Loss Awareness Month
This month is Baby Loss Awareness Week and I am taking part in a grief project every day in October. I've decided with each prompt that the facilitator has offered, I am going to share (someone else's with permission) or take my own photo as well as share a piece of writing (long or short) with my feelings about said prompt. I'll be sharing my posts on both Facebook and Instagram as a therapeutic experience for me but also to raise awareness this month for baby loss. Thousands of baby are lost every year in the UK - it affects too many people - so many families and family members. Yet why is it such a taboo? It's time to break the silence and raise our voices so that we can grieve and heal without the added burden of having to hide our loss - our child like it's something to be ashamed of!
1st October 2018
I woke up at 7am to watch the sunrise from North East Fife in Scotland. It was quite poignant for me, watching the sunrise as the first part of the grief project, when during my grief there have been so many dark days where I wasn't sure if I would live to see the next sunrise. October has always been a special month for me - I love autumn & Halloween and the whole build up to Christmas. But it's even more precious now that it's a time to remember our baby and how we should have been celebrating her 1st birthday this month. As Anne of Green Gables said 'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.'